Houston Graduate Chapter
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship Inc
Supporting education and innovation.
The Fellowship currently has thousands of members and dozens of graduate and undergraduate chapters across the United States.
Our members work in a wide variety of career areas, including accounting, education, engineering, human resource services, local and state government, medicine, law, protective services, information technology, religion, real estate, food service, skilled crafts, music, professional sports, the armed services, and business.
In support of its purposes, the Fellowship’s affiliate chapters and members are encouraged to actively support the programs identified in our National Community Service Manual and the Groove Fund, Inc., the charitable arm of Groove Phi Groove.
Strengthen the Community
Community is important! We are always in the giving spirit to lend a helping hand and spread awareness! Hebrews 13:16: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Join Us in An Evening of Philanthropic Excellence
Come join us this January 20, 2024 for our Annual Scholarship Gala. The purpose of this formal gala is to raise funds for our scholarship program. Since 2008, the Houston Graduate Chapter has awarded scholarships to Houston area high school graduates. Our first year of the scholarship program, we awarded two scholarships. With your help across the years, we have been able to award as many as seven (7) scholarships a year.
Promoting Unity
WE host and participate in many events throughout the year to fellowship with our brothers, connect with students and support our communities! Check out our newsletter for information on our past and future events! John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.”
“With the support from the Houston Graduate Chapter, we have been able to serve our students better than ever.”
— Prairie View A&M University Faculty